WATCH AllStar Coaches Albert Police and Cheryl Brost compete in the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games!
AllStar Coaches Albert Police and Cheryl Brost head out to the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games to compete! YEAH!!!
I wanted to let everyone know how and when they can watch Coach Al and Coach Cheryl compete in this years 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games in Carson, California! They flew out at 6am this morning. Theyll have a walk through and breifing on monday, then they will have 3 days of competition Tuesday-Thursday with a total of 6 events and a final event for the top 10 competitors that is to be announced.
Here's more info, and some photos of their FINAL training session yesterday before heading out! Photo credit Ford Stallsmith
Al and Cheryl had to finish in the top 20 in the WORLD in their respective age divisions just to receive an invitation to compete at the Games, which they both did. Cheryl is in fact entering the Games at #1 in the world right now in the Masters Woman 44-49 division! Bring home the shiny GOLD one this year BROST! We're all behind you guys and we'll be watching and on the edge of our seats!!!
Watch the Games live streaming at
Here is their schedule:
Tuesday 7/19/16
Wod: California Club
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 12:35-1:00pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 1:30-1:55pm
Wod: Adios Amigos
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 4:55pm-5:10pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 5:30pm-5:45pm
Wednesday 7/20/16
Wod: Feel the Berm
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 12:20pm-12:45pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 1:10-1:35
Wod: Deuce-Deuce
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 4:45pm-5:00pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 5:15pm-5:30pm
Thrusday 7/21/16
Wod: D-Ball Triplet
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 11:20-11:35pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 11:55am-12:10pm
Wod: Finals...To be announced (for top 10)
Cheryl (Master's Women 45-49) 1:10pm-4:30pm
Albert (Masters Men 45-49) 1:10pm-4:30pm
Good luck Al & Cheryl you've worked so hard for this! Enjoy yourselves and WORK! You're READY!!!