KC Stallsmith
Owner * Motivator * Coach
CERTIFICATIONS: CrossFit Level 2 Trainer, CrossFit Kids Trainer, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Kettlebells, CrossFit Football, CrossFit Olympic Weightlifiting, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Rowing, CrossFit Judges Course, 200 Hour Certified Yoga Instructor and Practitioner, Current CPR/First Aid/AED Certified, Whole 30 Nutrition Seminar attendee, Safe Sport certified, USAW Sports Performance Certified Coach
I have an intense personality, I enjoy hard work and pouring all my energies into that which is life affirming and leads me to my greatest Self. And that is what I love about CrossFit.
My philosophy as a coach and teacher is to nurture every person’s sense of self through the freedom of creative expression and movement. I believe in keeping myself well and healthy in order to serve others. Empowering and inspiring myself and others is my passion. Through strength, flexability, creativity and body movement, my goal is to help people feel well and whole. I am committed to constant self improvement and being a team player.
Who Am I?
Coach...Athlete...Mom...Teacher...Artist...Wife...Student..........Lover of Life! I am all of these
things. I am driven by passion to be my very best at any one of these roles at any given moment, and sometimes all of them at once.
To give you a taste of my personality, I was the first girl to be on my high school football team. At the high school level I trained with Stanford Hall of Famer Coach Terry Albritton, who broke the world record in the shot putt at the age of 21 in Honolulu. He was our strength and conditioning coach. He taught me to Clean and Jerk when I was a 16 year old girl. This was not normal back then, but he really believed in me and I think he got a chuckle out of coaching me. In the mid-90's in Hawaii it was a fight to just be able to train with the team, some of the coaches didn't like it, but I loved it and got my first taste of Oly lifts, training till I puked, and loving being around the guys that pushed me to work even harder. Although they never let me play in a game, I trained hard and learned a ton about perserverence.
I would say I am not the average girl and that CrossFit has become the perfect fit for my personality by allowing me to be what I always knew I was, which is a strong and determined female. I have an intense personality, I enjoy hard work and pouring all my energies into that which is life affirming and leads me to my greatest Self. And that is what I love about CrossFit.
I have always been seeking optimal health, but before CrossFit it was hard to know what optimal health was, let alone how to achieve it. CrossFit lays everything out with a clear definition of fitness, clear methodologies, and clear achievable measurable results. I am grateful for CF and I take the clarity CrossFit has given me in to all aspects of my life.
I have ALWAYS known I am strong and able and CrossFit allows me to validate that for myself. I didn't find CrossFit, CrossFit found ME and ate me up and has dissolved into my being.
- CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer
- CrossFit Kids Certified Trainer
- CrossFit Gymnastics
- CrossFit Kettlebells
- CrossFit Football
- CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting
- CrossFit Mobility
- CrossFit Rowing
- CrossFit Judges Course
- 200 Hour Certified Yoga Instructor
- Current CPR, First Aid and AED Certifications
- Whole 30 Nutrition Seminar Attendee
- 10 years teaching experience of over 1000 students at various schools on the Big Island includiing Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Parker School, Waimea Elementary School and volunteer teaching at Kanu o ka 'Aina
- 3 years CrossFit coaching experience, including introducing CrossFit to Hawaii Preparatory Academy's Football team in 2011
- CrossFit Athlete since 2009, first competeing in CrossFit Games Sectionals 2011 placing 161 out of almost 6000. In 2012 placed 130th out of over 6000 some athletes.
- Active member of CrossFit community, visiting CF Affiliates whenever I travel and keeping in touch with the latest online community discussion groups and forums.
- Mother of 2
- Boston University, Online - Master of Art in Art Education(MAAE), two graduate courses completed, 2010
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii - Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree(BFA) Awarded with Distinction, 2000, specializing in glass and sculpture
- Pilchuck Glass School, Stanwood, Washington, attended the summers of 1998 - 2001
- Mukti School of Yoga, Manhattan Beach, CA, 100 Hour Yoga teaching certification, 2010
- Flowing with Grace Yoga School, HI, 108 Hour Anusara Yoga Immersion, 2011
Awards and Scholarships
2010 — Outstanding Teacher Award, awarded by East Hawaii Cultural Council, State of Hawaii
2009 — Outstanding Teacher Award, awarded by East Hawaii Cultural Council, State of Hawaii
2000 — Pilchuck Glass School Scholarship, awarded by Pilchuck Glass School
1999 — Henry Clark Pilchuck Scholarship, awarded by University of Hawaii to attend Pilchuck Glass school
John Young Scholarship, awarded by University of Hawaii
Sibyl Heide Glass Grant Fund Award, awarded by University of Hawaii
Dean’s List, University of Hawaii
Pilchuck Glass School Scholarship, awarded by Pilchuck Glass School
1998 — Pilchuck Partnership Scholarship, awarded by Pilchuck Glass School and University of Hawaii
Corning Award Nomination, Pilchuck Glass School
Dean’s List, University of Hawaii
1997 — Outstanding Student in Glass Award, awarded by University of Hawaii
1996 — Dean’s List, University of Hawaii
1995 — Dean’s List, University of Hawaii
Significant Adventures
2011 - Runner, New York City Marathon, NY, NY (The only training I did was CrossFit)
2010 — Picked by Coach Manny Vincent to be one of the first female athletes to be on a crew to paddle Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe across the Alenuihaha Channel from Keokea on the Big Island of Hawaii, to Hana on the Island of Maui. I trained with my crew for over a year. The crossing was successfully completed in 9 hours on October 13th, 2010.
2010 — Completed the Sea to Stars bike race on the Big Island from sea level in Waikoloa to the Summit of Mauna Kea. The race was 49 miles long with over 10,000 ft. vertical elevation gain. Third place. (The only training I did was CrossFit)
2004 — Gave birth at home to my daughter, Della Margaret Stallsmith
2000 — Gave birth at home to my son, Ford Benton Stallsmith
2000 — I hiked with my husband 550 miles on foot along the Continental Divide Trail through the entire state of Colorado, from south to north, in complete wilderness. The expedition was entirely self supported with all our gear and food carried the entire way on our backs. Total time on trail was 55 days at mostly 13-14,000 ft. elevation.
1998 - Runner, Honolulu Marathon, Honolulu, Hawaii
As CrossFit becomes more and more popular, it becomes even more important to record and honor it's history and connection to our place here on the Big island.
I began CrossFitting in August of 2009, before I even knew what CrossFit was. At that time I was training for a Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe expedition with Kawaihae Canoe Club and Sports Hall of Famer Coach Manny Vincent. His vision was to take us across the Alenuihaha Channel, from Big Island to Maui across one of the most treacherous ocean channels in the world. His vision was to trace the path of his Hawaiian ancestors and to learn more, I felt honored and wanted to be in optimal condition for my crew. I was on a crew of women that were going to be the first crew in recorded history to cross this channel and take a route to the north, landing in Hana, Maui. I knew I wanted to be ready, and hanging out at a gym with machines, and going on jogs was not going to cut it.
There was a trainer in my small town, Keoni Subiono who was not CrossFit Certified at that time. We both refer to these as "the good old days". He trained a group of us at a public track at 5AM in the dark mornings, for about a year and I was completely in love with the methods. I had no idea what CrossFit was, had never heard the name, I just did what Keoni told me to do. I did what he wrote on the white board. Little did I know he was training us with CrossFit methods in mind with his own wonderful spark added to it. It was fast, intense, dynamic, functional movement with a psychological component of competition and I was in LOVE. Keoni was behind the CF methodologies with all his heart too, and later got CFL1 certified, so I had the best of both worlds. A great introduction to CF, and a killer trainer that I loved being with. As far as I know, Keoni was the first CrossFit Level 1 Ceritifed Trainer to teach CrossFit in Waimea. This opportunity to train with him was not only a heck of a lot of fun, but it launched me into my own skin, into knowing my own Self on a deeper level than the mundane of the every day that I had been living. He changed me forever.
I developed a discipline of training consistently with CrossFit, of eating strict Paleo and placing nutrition as my foundation for living, of deepening my yoga practices, and of being devoted to knowing the greatness in myself. Interestingly, after practicing this devotion to CrossFit and yoga, it is now easy to truly see the greatness in others. What a great side benefit!
I became one of Keoni's coaches and began coaching in late 2009, and in August of 2010 I compleated my own CrossFit Level 1 Certification in Honolulu with Chris Spealler, Jason Kahlipa, and other amazing CF athletes. Keoni Subiono moved islands and opened up CrossFit East O'ahu. I remained in Waimea on the Big Island, and started my own family of CrossFitters, training and coadhing out of Hawaii Preparatory Academy.
CrossFit Level 1 Certification, KC, Asia, Ka'ai, Heather, Kris, Monty, Margaux, Arjun and Joel
While I was saddened that Keoni, my coach had moved, I bagan the important search for a new coach. I had heard about CrossFit Big Island in Hilo and in August of 2010, I walked in to check it out. The coach and owner, Joel Tessier, was sitting behind his desk drinking a beer and getting a tattoo. Kid you not. He said, "Hey howzit going?!" and I was sold. I wanted to see, be part of, and train in a dedicated CrossFit facility with a CrossFit community, and a solid CrossFit coach. On my way out the door that night after meeting Joel, I looked up at a pair of rings he had hanging in his gym. Having never done a muscle up before, I thought I would give it a try. I jumped up and pulled one off! This was a good sign, I knew training at CFBI was meant to be. Even though it was a two hour drive round trip to Hilo from where we lived, my husband and I made the treck with our 2 kids in tow, twice a week for a year, in the evenings. We were dedicated to learning more from Joel, who had opened in November 2008 and had been crossfitting since December 2007.
Joel taught me how to lift heavy things, very heavy things. He taught me to do things I never would have imagined I could do. He says his goal is to teach people to "Do the impossible" and he does just that. This gave me an even broader understanding of CrossFit, and greater development of my own athletic abilities. Joel is still my coach and I am gratful. He has had me coach at his west side gym, CrossFit Ali'i in Kona, which allowed me to gain even more experience as a coach in my own right.
I came into CrossFit differently than most people. I didn't see CrossFit or people training using CrossFit and think that I wanted to be like that. I didn't say to myself that, "I wish I could do a pull up" or, "I wish I was as strong as that girl." I have ALWAYS known I am strong and able and CrossFit allows me to validate that for myself. I didn't find CrossFit, CrossFit found ME and ate me up and has dissolved into my being.