AllStar NEWS April/May 2016

AllStar News!


There’s so many wonderful things happening at CrossFit AllStar 

please take a moment to read all the great news!



Share with friends and family members! Forward to anyone you know that’s interested in getting started!


2 of our Athletes qualify to compete at the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games in Carson, CA!


Last year, Cheryl Brost finished 4th at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games, she’ll be the first to admit it wasn’t the best finish for what she is capable of. She had gone into finals that year in 2nd place, with the workout ‘Amanda’ announced as the final workout of the 3 day battle. As much as we were yelling and rooting her on from the stands, the Muscle Ups got the best of Cheryl that year, and she ended up unable to complete that workout within the time cap. She had to make a adjustment to her goals of a podium finish that year, and settle for 4th. Which to anyone else could be considered a great finish, but Cheryl want’s more.  I’m sure most people would rather forget about that moment when you’re goals get shattered, but not Cheryl. I truly feel it is exactly THAT moment, which fueled her training this year. From that moment on, she worked diligently on her Muscle Ups among other weaknesses...not that she has many, but she dialed it ALL IN leaving nothing to chance. She was faced with yet another Muscle Up workout in this years Master’s Qualifier. She strategized, she planned, she worked, and she did excellent on that workout placing 7th out of 200. A 1 Rep Max Deadlift was also in the qualifier this year, Cheryl SMASHED the competition pulling a whole 185 lbs., almost 3X her bodyweight! She’s ended up in 1st place overall at the end of the Master’s Qualifier, and i’ve NEVER seen her this strong or this determined. THIS. IS. HER. YEAR. Her strong finish not only grants her an invitation to the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games, it sets the stage for more outstanding performance to come when she gets there! If she stays injury free and on schedule, I expect her to bring home another medal this year...and it very likely could be a gold one!

Some people call him Al “The Beast’ Police...but this year he affectionately took on, and with good reason the name of Al “Desperado’. He was quite the underdog finishing the Open in 27th place, and going moving on to the Master’s Qualifier knowing he had a lot of work to do to catch up in order to be top 20. Looking at his placings during the Qualifier he knew it would be close. Among the 4 events he had to compete in the 4 day time span, he finished 19th on his best workouts, and 63rd on the low end. BUT in CrossFit what you need to be is generally consistent...or at least more consistent that your competitors (that’s why we specialized in NOT specializing). Albert knew he needed to do better, so with only a couple hours left before he had to submit his scores, he redid the Muscle Up workout and shaved about 90sec OFF his time. This brave move was exactly the kind of effort needed when things are just this close. Had it not been for these ‘desperate’ moves, he may not have made it in the top 20 that receive an invitation to the Games. But he did by only a 2 point margin, and he sits in 20th place as the final person on the leaderboard to make the top 20 to receive an invitation to the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games!


We’re all so very proud of these amazing athletes who’ve been training all year for this moment, it really does come down to this. Without a strong finish in the Open, the opportunity to compete at the Games would not be possible. How amazing is it that we can all be part of that at the gym? To everyone who helped judge, helped support, helped video, helped coach all our athletes THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Open and the Master’s Qualifier. Making memories! Next up....GETTING TO CARSON, CALIFORNIA JULY 19-24.

Find more info or to purchase tickets go to

It will NOT be open seating this year, you’ll need to select the seats you’d like to sit in. If you’re thinking of attending please let KC, Cheryl, or Al know so that everyone may be able to purchase tickets in close proximity to each other! I HOPE AS MANY OF OUR CFAS ATHLETES AS POSSIBLE CAN BE THERE TO SUPPORT AL & CHERYL!


CONGRATS athletes and volunteers who were part of the Double Trouble team competition in Kona last Saturday!


What an outstanding day filled with CrossFit COMMUNITY support and effort! If you weren’t there, you were missed. If you were there, THANK YOU for supporting our athletes and CrossFit in general. This sport wouldn’t be this strong with out EVERYONE FROM EVERY GYM believing in this lifestyle and supporting each other! WE ROCK! 

Special Congrats to Tehani Sekona and Sama Sekona who got on the podium this year placing 3rd in the Coed Rx Division! Heck YEAH! See far right in pic below... 


And THEN MARY & CERI went and won a Golf Tournament the next day!!!! And Mary received and award for the longest drive! SO PROUD OF YOU!!! 


Lurong Summertime Challenge Starts May 16! REGISTER NOW! 

The more people that participate, the more fun we have TOGETHER! You’ll be performing the workouts in class anyhow, why not participate and get accurate measurements of your body before you start, clean up your eating and follow the guidelines, do the workouts, and see what happens?!?

CFAS Athlete Malia Vanatta says “I lost 16 lbs on the Lurong Challenge and it helped me make lasting changes in my health and nutrition”

CFAS Coach Josh Stallsmith says “I ran my fastest 5K during the Lurong Challenge!”


The Summertime Challenge creates an interactive experience which equips you for lasting success through the daily application of life-changing principles. Get fit, have fun, and become freaking healthy.

Info below from


What sets this Challenge apart from anything you have experienced is our comprehensive approach to helping you reach your goals. We take the guesswork out of it! We provide all the tools you need to have success starting day 1.

Meal Plan

Our 5-week plan Includes weekly shopping lists, food prep instructions, and bonus recipes designed to help you eat right and save time.

Recipe Database

Gain access to our 120+ recipe collection including delicious entrees, breakfasts, lunches, and, of course, snacks.

WOD Leaderboards

Each week your performance is tested by a WOD programmed by 6-Time Games Athlete Neal Maddox. You will see how you rank in each of our 3 skill levels, earn points, and contribute to your team.

Revolutionary Experience

Everything you need is in one convenient place, so you can take your diet and fitness wherever you go. You are rewarded for everything you accomplish and every good decision you make. Let a little competition and accountability push you farther than you can go on your own.

Food Database

Wondering if your favorite food is allowed during the Challenge? Our interactive food search will help you find the answer fast.

Support From the Heart

The Challenge Team and coaches are dedicated to answering any questions you may have during the Challenge. And we really do love to help and answer questions. We know that understanding WHY is a key component to your lifestyle transformation. In addition, you have a Challenge full of like-minded and dedicated participants who are standing with you. So make sure to check out the forum and ask your questions to the community. We are all in this together. 




We’re excited to host our first ‘Family Fun Dodgeball & Movie Night’ at CrossFit AllStar! Join us for a night of fun and family playing together. We'll watch the movie premier of 2 of the newest Sally Lundburg’s CrossFit AllStar movie series ‘Ohana Stories’ featuring Coach Wayne Hess, and Athlete Iris Yap. Perhaps we'll play a movie after for all the families bring chairs and blankets! Healthy paleo potluck bring your favorite optimal dish to share! Everyone welcome even non-members!

With Lurong starting just 2 days later, please stick to the nutrition guidlines for the potluck....begin to sample tried and true recipes from other athletes by sharing at this paleo potluck! Please base your potluck dish on the following parameters given by the ‘Elite’ Lurong Summertime Challenge guidelines(even if you’re not doing the challenge!)

Potluck pirameters:

Key Restrictions: Dairy, sugar, some natural sweeteners, legumes, white potatoes, wheat, rice, breads, pastas, corn, artificial ingredients.

Key Allowances: Ghee, cocoa powder, 100% raw unsweetened chocolate, limited natural sweeteners, 1 whey protein supplement with no added sugar per day, 1 glass of wine per day.

It’s HERE! CrossFit AllStar Kids Summer CAMP!

Who: Ages 4-12 (13+ older kids please apply for Summer Scholarships to help assist campers....Ages 13+ may also attend adult CrossFit ‘All Levels’ classes talk to KC!)

What: CrossFit Kids curriculum focusing on fostering a love of fitness, fun, and food!

Your campers day will look like this:

  • 10am-10:45am CrossFit Kids class, constantly varied movement focusing on proper movement pattern including development in the 10 General Physical Skills (Cardio/Respiratory endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Accuracy, Agility, & Balance)
  • 10:45am-11am: Break
  • 11am-11:30am: Nutrition & Healthy Snack making based on the CrossFit Kids ‘Nutrition for Kids in 100 Words or Less’ (materials provided, parents MUST notify instructor of any food allergies PRIOR to start of camp)
  • 11:30am-12:30pm: Creative Expression & Art Making, campers will use art as a medium to demonstrate what they’ve learned about fitness and nutrition. Various media provided!
  • 12:30-1pm: CrossFit Games, Free Choice, Skill Work Development
  • 1pm: Pick Up (please be prompt for pick up!)


Where: At CrossFit AllStar, 64-1032 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kamuela, HI 96743

When: June 6th-24th on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10am-1pm

Cost: $270

Coach: KC Stallsmith is the founder, owner and lead coach of CrossFit AllStar located in Waimea, Hawaii. She has an extensive background working with children teaching art at Waimea Elementary School for many years, developing the first Art program at Parker School, and teaching K-5th grade art at Hawaii Preparatory Academy for 2 years before devoting herself full time to her CrossFit Affiliate. She has many certifications, including CrossFit Kids as well as her CrossFit Level 1 Certification, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting, CrossFit Kettlebells, and CrossFit Rowing. Additionally, KC is a 200 hour Certified Yoga Instructor. Her business CrossFit AllStar received the 2014 ‘Best of North Hawaii’ Best Fitness Center, and 2014 ‘Best of North Hawaii’ Best Fitness Instructor. She founded the first CrossFit Kids program on the Island of Hawaii, with the longest experience teaching it since 2011.

EMAIL or TEXT 808-357-7851 to register your child!


SAVE THE DATE FOR THE KONA SUMMER SHOWDOWN JUNE 18th see their website for details!

This great event is something you can keep training for NOW!!


Athletes please remember to take your belongings with you after training. 

We will only be holding on to items for 1 week. Anything left behind longer than a week will be taken to the thrift store or disposed of. Mahalo for keeping the gym clean, inside and out, and throwing away your rubbish and respecting the area. Mahalo everyone!

Stallsmith HOME update!

Lastly....In the next few months Josh & KC are approaching the finish line on their new home construction. We are aware of how distracted we've been and we can promise when we finish our home construction and get moved in, we'll be able to again devote more of our energy to the box. We appreciate everyones help and support as we make this final push hoping to be moved in by June or July. I'm looking forward to life getting somewhat back to 'normal' and being even closer to the box...the new house is just passed the 800m mark!

Be well, stay safe, train smart,

KC & Josh

KC Stallsmith
* Owner * Motivator * * 808.357.7851 *


Have an AllStar day!

CrossFit AllStar