11/21/11 PR's All Up in the HOUSE!
-Written by KC
Wicked Mind Power Going on Today!
Kip 345# Deadlift PR
Marta 205# Deadlift PR
Sarah 200# Deadlift PR (not in this pic, but she pulled it later!)
Layne 200# Deadlift PR with John Clay
I even broke my own PR today and pulled a 230lb. Deadlift with a body weight of 105lbs. 20 pounds over double body weight. I never, ever thought that was possible, I thought that was only for the big girls. Well, little people are big to!
Workout of the Day
Warm Up:
25 Double Unders then 3x Samson Stretch
Sprints: 4x 200m sprints ea. for time (try to make last one faster than first)
Skill: Gymnastics
Front and Back Lever (work in teams of 3 spotters, teach spotting)Kalaokahaku practices the Front Lever as Janntte spots and Aimee assists.
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Work up to a 1 rep max.